Inoar Cicatrifios 3 in 1 Treatment
CicatriFios is the evolution in treatment that offers numerous benefits to an absolutely hair renewed, every day. Its formula, enriched with RejuComplex3, renews, softens, reduces breakage and frizz and it offers progressive volume reduction, for a sealed hair, with extreme brightness, easy brushing and lasting effects.
To prolong the chemical treatments effects, we have the Post-Chemistry CicatriFios. Its highly moisturizing and rebuilding formula keeps the color effect, volume reduction, discoloration and other capillary treatments, to last longer.
Completing the Collection, the Botânico & Vegano CicatriFios has natural formulation, without ingredients of animal origin, and it offers numerous benefits for an absolutely renewed hair, every day.
Treatment ampoule for damaged hair. Inoar Cicatrifios Super Ampola reduces volume, breakage and frizz with extreme shine.
Inoar Cicatrifios Super Ampola promotes an instant capillary plastic that hydrates, aligns and renews the capillary fiber so that the volume and unruly wires are gradually reduced. With 3 doses in just one bottle, it also facilitates clearance, smoothes and leaves a lasting silky touch. Can be used on all types of hair.
Vegan product. Not tested on animals. Product free of salt, strong detergents, alkohol denat, silicones and parabens.
Size: 1.7oz
CicatriFios is the evolution in treatment that offers numerous benefits to an absolutely hair renewed, every day. Its formula, enriched with RejuComplex3, renews, softens, reduces breakage and frizz and it offers progressive volume reduction, for a sealed hair, with extreme brightness, easy brushing and lasting effects.
To prolong the chemical treatments effects, we have the Post-Chemistry CicatriFios. Its highly moisturizing and rebuilding formula keeps the color effect, volume reduction, discoloration and other capillary treatments, to last longer.
Completing the Collection, the Botânico & Vegano CicatriFios has natural formulation, without ingredients of animal origin, and it offers numerous benefits for an absolutely renewed hair, every day.
Treatment ampoule for damaged hair. Inoar Cicatrifios Super Ampola reduces volume, breakage and frizz with extreme shine.
Inoar Cicatrifios Super Ampola promotes an instant capillary plastic that hydrates, aligns and renews the capillary fiber so that the volume and unruly wires are gradually reduced. With 3 doses in just one bottle, it also facilitates clearance, smoothes and leaves a lasting silky touch. Can be used on all types of hair.
Vegan product. Not tested on animals. Product free of salt, strong detergents, alkohol denat, silicones and parabens.
Size: 1.7oz
CicatriFios is the evolution in treatment that offers numerous benefits to an absolutely hair renewed, every day. Its formula, enriched with RejuComplex3, renews, softens, reduces breakage and frizz and it offers progressive volume reduction, for a sealed hair, with extreme brightness, easy brushing and lasting effects.
To prolong the chemical treatments effects, we have the Post-Chemistry CicatriFios. Its highly moisturizing and rebuilding formula keeps the color effect, volume reduction, discoloration and other capillary treatments, to last longer.
Completing the Collection, the Botânico & Vegano CicatriFios has natural formulation, without ingredients of animal origin, and it offers numerous benefits for an absolutely renewed hair, every day.
Treatment ampoule for damaged hair. Inoar Cicatrifios Super Ampola reduces volume, breakage and frizz with extreme shine.
Inoar Cicatrifios Super Ampola promotes an instant capillary plastic that hydrates, aligns and renews the capillary fiber so that the volume and unruly wires are gradually reduced. With 3 doses in just one bottle, it also facilitates clearance, smoothes and leaves a lasting silky touch. Can be used on all types of hair.
Vegan product. Not tested on animals. Product free of salt, strong detergents, alkohol denat, silicones and parabens.
Size: 1.7oz
CicatriFios es la evolución en el tratamiento que ofrece numerosos beneficios para un cabello absolutamente renovado, todos los días. Su fórmula, enriquecida con RejuComplex3, renueva, suaviza, reduce la rotura y el encrespamiento y ofrece una reducción progresiva de volumen, para un cabello sellado, con brillo extremo, fácil cepillado y efectos duraderos.
Para prolongar los efectos de los tratamientos químicos, contamos con los CicatriFios Post-Químicos. Su fórmula altamente hidratante y reconstructora mantiene el efecto de color, reducción de volumen, decoloración y otros tratamientos capilares, para que duren más.
Completando la Colección, el Botânico & Vegano CicatriFios tiene una formulación natural, sin ingredientes de origen animal, y ofrece numerosos beneficios para un cabello absolutamente renovado, todos los días.
Ampolla de tratamiento para cabello dañado. Inoar Cicatrifios Super Ampola reduce el volumen, la rotura y el encrespamiento con un brillo extremo.
Inoar Cicatrifios Super Ampola promueve un plástico capilar instantáneo que hidrata, alinea y renueva la fibra capilar para que el volumen y los hilos rebeldes se vayan reduciendo gradualmente. Con 3 dosis en un solo frasco, también facilita el aclaramiento, suaviza y deja un tacto sedoso duradero. Se puede utilizar en todo tipo de cabello.
Producto vegano. No probado en animales. Producto libre de sal, detergentes fuertes, alcohol desnaturalizado, siliconas y parabenos.