Rizos Curls Light Hold Gel


This special formula features Key Natural Ingredients:

Aloe Vera

Deeply hydrating & regenerating, naturally improves hair & scalp health, helps prevent hair breakage


Nourishes hair, boosts shine, improves curl definition, protects hair & scalp with Vitamin E


Known to promote healthy hair growth, anti-inflammatory & soothing to scalp


Naturally occurring amino acid in keratin that helps to minimize hair loss by protecting hair from damage, reduces hair breakage & supports the hair's moisture barrier


Known for its many healing properties, it improves hair health and has antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties

Suggested Use: Finishing touch after our Curl Defining Cream. Apply quarter size amount in sections & scrunch curls in upward motion. Air dry or blow dry with our Rizos Curls Collapsible Diffuser for best results. While drying, apply additional product to areas that require more moisture & hold.

8fl oz/ 237ml

~No sulfates, silicones, parabens~

Made with 95% Naturally Derived Ingredients

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This special formula features Key Natural Ingredients:

Aloe Vera

Deeply hydrating & regenerating, naturally improves hair & scalp health, helps prevent hair breakage


Nourishes hair, boosts shine, improves curl definition, protects hair & scalp with Vitamin E


Known to promote healthy hair growth, anti-inflammatory & soothing to scalp


Naturally occurring amino acid in keratin that helps to minimize hair loss by protecting hair from damage, reduces hair breakage & supports the hair's moisture barrier


Known for its many healing properties, it improves hair health and has antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties

Suggested Use: Finishing touch after our Curl Defining Cream. Apply quarter size amount in sections & scrunch curls in upward motion. Air dry or blow dry with our Rizos Curls Collapsible Diffuser for best results. While drying, apply additional product to areas that require more moisture & hold.

8fl oz/ 237ml

~No sulfates, silicones, parabens~

Made with 95% Naturally Derived Ingredients

This special formula features Key Natural Ingredients:

Aloe Vera

Deeply hydrating & regenerating, naturally improves hair & scalp health, helps prevent hair breakage


Nourishes hair, boosts shine, improves curl definition, protects hair & scalp with Vitamin E


Known to promote healthy hair growth, anti-inflammatory & soothing to scalp


Naturally occurring amino acid in keratin that helps to minimize hair loss by protecting hair from damage, reduces hair breakage & supports the hair's moisture barrier


Known for its many healing properties, it improves hair health and has antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties

Suggested Use: Finishing touch after our Curl Defining Cream. Apply quarter size amount in sections & scrunch curls in upward motion. Air dry or blow dry with our Rizos Curls Collapsible Diffuser for best results. While drying, apply additional product to areas that require more moisture & hold.

8fl oz/ 237ml

~No sulfates, silicones, parabens~

Made with 95% Naturally Derived Ingredients

Esta fórmula especial incluye ingredientes naturales clave:

Aloe vera

Hidrata y regenera profundamente, mejora naturalmente la salud del cabello y el cuero cabelludo, ayuda a prevenir la rotura del cabello

Semilla de lino

Nutre el cabello, aumenta el brillo, mejora la definición de los rizos, protege el cabello y el cuero cabelludo con vitamina E


Conocido por promover el crecimiento saludable del cabello, antiinflamatorio y calmante para el cuero cabelludo.


Aminoácido natural en la queratina que ayuda a minimizar la caída del cabello protegiéndolo del daño, reduce la rotura del cabello y apoya la barrera de humedad del cabello.


Conocido por sus muchas propiedades curativas, mejora la salud del cabello y tiene propiedades antioxidantes y antiinflamatorias.

Uso sugerido: toque final después de nuestra Crema Definidora de Rizos. Aplique la cantidad del tamaño de un cuarto en secciones y frote los rizos en movimiento hacia arriba. Seque al aire o con secador con nuestro difusor plegable Rizos Curls para obtener mejores resultados. Mientras se seca, aplique producto adicional a las áreas que requieren más humedad y retención.

8 fl oz / 237ml

Sin sulfatos, siliconas, parabenos

Elaborado con un 95% de ingredientes de origen natural.

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