Pacinos Drk Brwn Hair Fiber

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Lump-free fibers for a real hair effect and undetectable natural finish. Instantly covers bald spots, thinning and paring in desired areas.

EASY TO APPLY - The pump nozzle is designed to apply the fibers to thinning areas. Using the sprayer makes it easier to distribute the fibers evenly and smoothly.

Wash, dry and style hair as usual. Shake the fibers over the desired areas and gently tap them into place. For best performance, apply our Pacinos Freezing Spray to lock in the look and a long-lasting hold.

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Lump-free fibers for a real hair effect and undetectable natural finish. Instantly covers bald spots, thinning and paring in desired areas.

EASY TO APPLY - The pump nozzle is designed to apply the fibers to thinning areas. Using the sprayer makes it easier to distribute the fibers evenly and smoothly.

Wash, dry and style hair as usual. Shake the fibers over the desired areas and gently tap them into place. For best performance, apply our Pacinos Freezing Spray to lock in the look and a long-lasting hold.

Lump-free fibers for a real hair effect and undetectable natural finish. Instantly covers bald spots, thinning and paring in desired areas.

EASY TO APPLY - The pump nozzle is designed to apply the fibers to thinning areas. Using the sprayer makes it easier to distribute the fibers evenly and smoothly.

Wash, dry and style hair as usual. Shake the fibers over the desired areas and gently tap them into place. For best performance, apply our Pacinos Freezing Spray to lock in the look and a long-lasting hold.

Fibras sin grumos para un efecto de cabello real y acabado natural indetectable. Cubre instantáneamente los puntos calvos, el entresacamiento y la parásidad en las zonas deseadas.

Fácil de aplicar: la boquilla de la bomba está diseñada para aplicar las fibras en zonas de adelgazamiento. El uso del pulverizador hace que sea más fácil distribuir las fibras de manera uniforme y sin problemas.

Lavar, secar y peinar el cabello como de costumbre. Agita las fibras sobre las zonas deseadas y dale golpecitos suavemente para colocarlas en su lugar. Para un mejor rendimiento, aplica nuestro espray de congelación Pacinos para bloquear el aspecto y una sujeción duradera.

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